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M-odest, O-bverse of fashion norm, G-ood looking, U-rbane and E-ducated

Mysteries of the Overground 1

Acceptable or not,
This is another world of its own.

Walking down the road in an area of the docklands,
Feeling an ache
With my head spinning with thoughts,
I finally get on board - the light train

Lost in thoughts,
My phone network, finger dialed straight to a far away country,
A country ahead of most parts of the world,
To a dear friend
As to be expected, it was midnight over there
A broad smiile across my face as I say "hello"
but I couldn't continue the convo, I had to say "good bye"

About to continue with my research on internet security
My finger on the zipper
As a huge man walks into the light train
Voice in high audibles
Language not easily understood
It goes like this "legelogo...."
Yea, these people I just don't understand them
Everyone on the train try to ignore him
but typical country people would pretend not to mind
it is disturbing
So, I pick up my phone to do this post and then another set get on board
The perfume possibly home-made because the fragrance could stimulate anger - the climax of strong fragrance
I am trying to breathe and can't write any more.


Thank you!