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M-odest, O-bverse of fashion norm, G-ood looking, U-rbane and E-ducated


I won't say I'm in the best of moods now to do this
But what I've got to tell you is that it is essential to try to make someone smile... Recently, peeps have been coming to meet me for advice (excuse my short form) and seriously speaking, I do not know what to say.. Then I turn to the Lord to guide me, sometimes he makes me speak and other times he makes me smile at the person, give a warm big hug and say these words "I'm praying for you" (of course I really do). Surprisingly, it works and what do I do? Smile even more...

I don't know how many are big pretenders but I'm one (yes, I just said it).. I pretend to have the best life when deep down I need a HELP. I do not know how to show that I'm so sad even when I am. Like right now, tears are just streaming down but as usual I smile and write (my best moment for thinking). In everything I give God praise.

Lesson of this whole episode is to SMILE no matter what is going on right now, SMILE because There'll be a light at the end of THIS tunnel. You won't keep going through it because God said, HE won't give us more than we can bear.
I encourage you brother/sister, help another lighten their load and others will help you too with just a SMILE. We are in this together and YOU are NOT FORGOTTEN. :)


Thank you!