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How lovely

How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! (Psalms 84:1 KJV)

When we go to the house of God, what is our attitude? Of worship or in levity? The Psalmist considers the house of God amiable, lovely, cozy, friendly, warmhearted
That is the feeling we get when our heart is right before worship. Straight from the door we begin to feel God's presence, his awesomeness. That is why the first thing you do when you get to church is to kneel and pray. By kneeling we are saying "Lord, I know you are here. I reverence you" it is not about making your request known yet, it is about worship. The Lord's Prayer said "Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name".. We can say 'hallowed' be Jehovah when we see the presence of God like David. It is an experienced to be felt. 

See the poem - IN YOUR PRESENCE


Thank you!