Claiming the Blood
Hair hour today
How I spent my study time
The challenge begins
My first Poetry recording
So PhD begins
My very slow Sunday
Celery shrimp boat
Using every opportunity to reach out
Seeing me through someone's eyes
Back to School
My random Facebook quotes
Those statements that get you thinking straight
I didn't know it was still there
How lovely
Lord I am beyond words
Brotherly Love
Down life's highway
Many years ago
I came upon a
Sign that read
Heavens Grocery Store..
When I got a
Little closer
The doors swung
Open wide
And when I came
To myself
I was standing
I saw a host of
They were
Standing everywhere
One handed me a
And said 'My
Child shop with care..'
Everything a
Human needed
Was in that
Grocery store
And what you
Could not carry
You could come
Back for more
First I got some
Further down was
You need that
Everywhere you go..
I got a box or
Two of Wisdom
And Faith a bag
Or two.
And Charity of
I would need some
Of that too..
I couldn't miss
The Holy Ghost
It was all over
The place.
And then some
And Courage to
Help me run this race.
My basket was
Getting full
But I remembered
I needed Grace,
And then I chose
Salvation for
Salvation was for
I tried to get
Enough of that to do
For you and me..
Then I started to
The counter
To pay my grocery
For I thought I
Had everything
To do the Masters
As I went up the
I saw Prayer and
Put that in ,
For I knew when I
Stepped outside
I would run into
Peace and Joy
Were plentiful,
The last things
On the shelf.
Song and Praise
Were hanging near
So I just helped
Then I said to
The angel
'Now how much do
I owe?'
He smiled and
'Just take them
Everywhere you go.'
Again I asked
'Really now,
How much do I
'My child' he
Said , 'God paid your bill
A long long time
Taking a break
Hello Hair
A feel of African Praise.
From Southern Nigeria.
Have you not heard?
His voice cries out
Through His prophet
Isaiah speaks to all
Telling of HIS might
The one who stretched
Forth the heavens like
A curtain and weighed
The mountains, the earth
Who made a tent of it
Of heaven and dwells
Bringing down nobles
Under his subjection
Who can be compared
To him able to destroy
Both body and soul –
And yet make alive –?
The everlasting God!
Creator and The Lord
His understanding –
Incomparable ———-
From whom all strength
We derive, even as we
Wait; on eagle’s wings
We shall fly in His might
from my study of Isaiah 40
Sneak Peek
Make strong my heart
Each time kiss of death
Strength give to my heart
From my Kitchen
I am appalled
Home decoration
Home Making Prep
It feels weird
This puts me on check
What leaving London caused me
Busy London
I went camping
Learning to worship
It was a lovely meeting
I am not worried - What a joke!
I tell me, really? What a joke! I was worried, still am. I have spent most of my day praying.
After every miracle and victory there is always another battle ahead. It never stops, it goes on in a cycle. Sometimes I pray and I say: "God why not this one month, problem free".. It never really works that way. I guess the higher you go spiritually, the more battles you are expected to fight because God gives his strongest soldiers, the toughest battles. Yes! I am a perfect example of that statement. The more I pray "Lord, I want to grow in Grace", I see me growing and then BANG! a battle... I see all my statements eating back at me. "Oh you think you've got faith, now, here! deal with it". I whine, cry, pray, retreat, I do all and sundry, in the end, I give in to GOD's DIVINE WILL. Praise God!
I am still praying and this time, it is a marathon one. The one Moses went up to the mountain and came down with his face shining. Yes, that type. I am not going to spare the enemy one minute to laugh at me, NO WAY! Thank God for Grace, Jesus and most importantly PRAYER.
At long last
So I was sick
Out of the world
My great yesterday
A testimony of God's Grace and Mercy
Okay, I've had enough!
Good thing I kept studying the word. I got back up and gave the devil a kick in the butt! Hallelujah! I am smiling again because Jesus bore my pain on the cross. This is the happiest moment of my life. And I profess the gospel of Christ in me.
My Faith is stronger not small because when you push a baby-bird, you are teaching it how to fly and one day it will fly so high and away from you when you'd trouble it no more. The devil has pushed me to my limit and I'm flying higher and higher everyday. Isn't God so good?
He gives us troubles to make us stronger and I am confessing Philipians 4:6 - Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God.
I encourage you to follow suit in that verse of Philipians. Let us go to the enemy's camp and TAKE back what he STOLE from US! Glory!!!
Read today
Ever got there?
About my day,
What got me scared. All around me I hear of separations, I grew up in a Christian community so you'd not hear of divorce, more like they separated for a while or some stay in the marriage but you can tell they aren't happy.
This grew with me till good age, like sometimes now I get scared. I am really not scared anymore, I am just worried. So I started the 'future family prayer' thing. I am committing it all to God. I woke up thinking about it this morning. "What will it be like?" kind of question popping in my head. The bit that scares me most is having a baby. Lol. But good thing is I am no longer scared. I am so looking forward to it and I can't wait to see my cuties. It is going to be so amazing to be used by God to procreate. How Wonderful! I am continuing with my 'pray-date' session with God. I hope you have a date with God too every week on this matter? It helps relieve the pressure. Thank God for Prayer!
Enjoy the rest of your day. I am still in Africa :D Loving it, but winding down now, preparing to return.
Praise in my bowels
I said PRAISE BE TO GOD for all he has done, and yet to do and all he won't do because his thoughts for me are good and not evil.
See, I look back in my life today, and I can say he made me go through those rough patches for me to appreciate my today.
HE is an awesome God. Slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.
I can STRONGLY recommend you to him today.
Look back on your life today and see the many things that would have gone wrong without the Christ in you. Bless His Holy Name.
Transformation: New Life
Change of routine
Twists Out!
Finally got to do it. I am fully dedicating my hair to its naturality. Let's do it!
My Regime
Preshampoo with Dabur Vatica
Then prew-washed with shampoo prior to detoxing
My hair at this time needed tlc.. just after taking out braids
I didn't have my usual apple cider vinegar and bicarbonate of soda so I used:
Lime and very little amount of salt they are both good for cleansing.
This was my first time ever
Then shampoo which had Ginger for dealing with dry and over worked scalp. It did soothe my scalp
After shampoo, I deep conditioned with some henna and placenta extract and olive oil too.
After the washing process came the twisting one.
Twisting process
I used water moisturiser on my damp hair.
Then involved glycerine to lock in the moisture after sprinkling some rose water to my scalp
Pre twist:I used carrot oil first
while damp, I began the twist with shea butter.
During twisting I ensured the two parts did not mix in the process because it messes up the entire twist out.
I left it on for five days to get the perfect curls
Taking out the Twists
I took each each twist out with Olive oil on my fingers to give it a glossy look and help my scalp.
I detangled gently leaving each part
to stay out.
It turned out as planned but I wish I have a longer hair.
Random: From Africa
So I visit this company with a friend where she is to be interviewed for a job. The company direction looked dodgy initially and then we started out after a sumptuous meal at Shoprite.
We walked about 4 mins to get to the company. The external look wasn't pleasant and the environment very non-professional looking. We got in, walked up the stairs and we pressed the doorbell. The sound was not professional at all, it was some long ring that you'd hear at a student apartment (if they have any)... but seriously??? We got laughing from the door. The look of the office was okay to give some credit. The receptionist's computer wasn't a desktop but a worn-almost-dead laptop, she was practically doing nothing on it.
Then came a call and another receptionist takes the call and all she said was 'hello'. No introduction of the company and greeting?
My best friend said during the interview the first question asked was "can we meet you?" seriously? That means introduce yourself. Then an interviewer tries to tell my friend about Australia he hasn't been but were my friend studied and worked for some years. Why do people think they know so much? Worse, he had the wrong information... lol. I am so tired. My fingers are hurting from the long day.
Thank you!