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M-odest, O-bverse of fashion norm, G-ood looking, U-rbane and E-ducated

Blessing for the day

''The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you'' -Numbers 6:25 Quotes by DodsonEng


Thank you!

Blessing for the day

''The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you'' -Numbers 6:25 Quotes by DodsonEng


Thank you!

Word of the day

''We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.'' -1John 5:18


Thank you!

Woman of Faith - 1

I've always wondered what life had been for the women of faith the bible talked about. How would I have lived in that era? Believe it or not, it was more difficult trusting God then than now. Then they were faced with persecutions, idol worshippers all around and random doctrines that seemed true just like our time. But they trusted in God.
Take a look at Esther, what a courage? I am a naturally brave person but I don't think I'd have gone to that extent. If we look critically into this, we can find out that they prayed more.
I pray every day for Faith, to do the things I can do daily, to carry out the difficult tasks, and the Faith that is contagious so that others may benefit from it and believe in God.


Thank you!